Tuesday, January 14, 2025

The Whim: Canto 14

14: You always were

Until a heart finds rest in the boulders
Here beyond beginning, there is good luck
Climbing around their steep, cryptic shoulders 

To spy more and more places to get stuck
Deeper in unknowing how to traverse
The first gap and how fast enough to duck

When my scythe lops off one more universe.
The dream ends, a dream begins, and someone
Was there on both sides mumbling the curse

All mumble to get this far undone,
In other words, exist precisely thus 
Of neither one nor many under sun

The specialist about whom all the fuss
Is stirred up in the foamy sea of things.
I know we want a story to discuss,

Thrilling sequences of arrows and slings
Shot through with glances between persons real
Enough to slip and hurt and heal the stings

Everyone feels that they feel that they feel
And the tale has it all do not worry 
Be happy eating your heart’s whole raw deal.      

Only never was and is no hurry
Save in the mind spooked not seeing itself
In a mirror making the place blurry

With clarity and clearer as a bell
With this invisible breath or exhaling
Inhale wherein all most radically dwell

Closer than face to what face is veiling. 
So no more narrating this long last mile 
The way the world does by design, failing

To never stop fortuning the dial
Into counterfeit, preprogrammed futures
In fear of hearing silence’s smile

Or sweet confession of the producer
Casting the die of you and other stars. 
Birth is illegal (and no law looser),

Crime bigger than being, my full body scar
Stretching its mark across constellations
And scripting necessities so bizarre

That all the other hallucinations
Are smoke already rising from its flame
Of life-fire burning all transmigrations.

Willy-nilly without fate, place, or name,
Free as the fables of its origin
Evernow syllabling the sweet fame

Of wind no one knows going out or in
(Since eternity is early and late),
You are I am the plight we’ve always been

And that is why people are still singing.

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